Sunday, February 9, 2014

My arms are sore

As much as it sounds like a complaint, it's not. It's a reminder. A reminder why I spend so much time sitting in a classroom, studying, neglecting family and friends (and housework, oohh there goes another dust bunny past my pile of unfolded half clean half dirty laundry). I worked an icu shift last night and had a patient with a nasogastric tube in because it wouldn't nurse off momma. So every 2 hours I had to lift 70 pound baby up (hence the sore arms), try to get it to nurse momma or take a botte, and if neither worked force feed through the tube, which is not an easy task when baby is trying to lay down or run away the whole time. But, at about 4 this morning baby decided to make a turn for the better and aggressively enthusiastically started nursing. It was such a wonderful and exciting moment and hopefully I can keep that bright, happy feeling as long as possible to make it through the next few weeks of quizzes and tests knowing that I at least partly was responsible for keeping that baby going. So everytime I pick up a textbook, or my backpack for the next day or so I can have a little tinge of happiness knowing that I'll be able to do what I love one day.

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