Sunday, March 6, 2016

Look at me updating in less than a month! School's been going... But I'm so ready to be out of the classroom. The second cardiopulmonary exam went really well not only for me, but the entire class. It's so nice to have a professor that tells us what we need to know and actually tests over it. I don't know why more professors can't be like that. I would say it's a clinician vs non clinician thing, but we also have clinicians that are horrible test writers.
This semester had definitely flown by. I did a couple more anesthesias and my second primary surgery (which went super awesome) so all I have left is my final anesthesia with oral exam and my final primary surgery.
Test wise we have neuro on Wednesday, spring break, then alimentary and cardiopulmonary the week after that. Then 3 weeks off of tests, and 4 finals! I can't believe we're so close to clinics.
Intro to clinics has been exceedingly boring. I was on food animal this past week and it was pretty slow. We got to work up a neonate that came in but had poor prognosis so owner decided to euthanize, treated a show cow for a weird disease, and almost did a foot trim but the animal was too fat from hay belly that it wouldn't fit in the chute so they had to fast it for 2 days.
Went to a VBMA meeting about student debt. It was pretty helpful but more so for people who will have a debt to income ratio of over 2:1 which hopefully mine will be closer to 1:1.
Nothing else too exciting going on here. Just counting down the days until May 2nd!