Friday, October 25, 2013


Vet students are weird. While this isn't really news, it can be easily confirmed by listening to almost any conversation we have with each other. The more we talk the weirder we get, too. This can actually be detrimental to other relationships because your significant other will start pointing it out on a regular basis. Like when you show him a video of a macrophage chasing and enveloping bacteria and not only is he not impressed, but points out how lame you are... but when shown in class every vet student is as excited as if it were a chase seen on an action movie.
We just got our first test back from physiology 2 and while the average was a D, which is failing in vet school, I got a C! Never been so happy for a C in my life. From what I have heard the class should get slightly easier from here on out though, so that is encouraging I guess. 
Anatomy didn't go so well... luckily my previous grades helped keep my grade looking decent; however, our final is worth like half our grade so it doesn't matter much what we have going in to it since it is worth so much. Assuming we all make it, I think we have picked out our anatomy group for next semester when we start on the horse. I think I'll like the horse more than dogs and cats... they're bigger and, well its a horse. In zootech we went over exotics and pocket pets and it reminded me how much I love little wabbits! Soo cute and fuzzy, but definitely don't have time or money for another mouth to feed. Speaking of money I found out today that my insurance actually covered every penny of my rabies shots so we just got refunded about 850 bucks!
On a less boring note, I got to do a physical on a cow this week. It is nice getting our hands on something alive and cows are pretty much the coolest. The stethoscope the clinic I worked for got me has come in handy for these labs.  We also added husbandry labs to our schedule and every other week we do physicals monday thru thursday. This week I had the blood donor cats and dogs and while it was interesting the first day, it started to just feel like a waste of time by day 4. At least food animal then equine are my last 2 rotations so that should be more fun.
Tomorrow morning I'm helping my husband work some calves and while I am a little sad my histology study time is getting disturbed, I'm excited to get some fresh air. Off to curl up to learn about some nephrology, bleh.

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