Forgot my Sunday update for the past week, so lets see if I can remember everything. We had our clin path test last week and man is a scratch off test stressful, especially after you miss a question. I ended up doing well though. Bacteriology quiz went better than the first one, and while didn't really study enough for the pharmacology quiz, it went all right.
Last week, one of my older dogs started to seem a little off. It has been harder for her to get up and Friday I noticed she was kind of limping. I looked at her feet and saw some redness in between 2 toes and it was a little painful. I brought her into the vet school to get her checked out today and the 2 toes spread to both front feet. Turns out she has pododermatitis (foot infection.) Also has some hip arthritis so she is now on antibiotics, daily foot soak in antimicrobial solution, and NSAIDS for her arthritis. Hopefully she gets to feeling better soon. Just to add to the vet bill for the week I'm bringing my horses in to get their teeth floated and Coggins done on Friday, so that should be fun.
Saturday we had or wetlab on distal equine limb. First we got to surgically transect the distal check ligament, amputate part of a 4th metatarsal bone, and do a nuerectomy. Then we practiced joint injections on both thoracic and pelvic limbs. We also learned some suture patterns. It was totally cool and I'm so glad I did it.
We had a signs and symptoms test yesterday that I felt ok about until I started talking to everyone else about it... hopefully I did ok. That afternoon i went with another group and did a uterine culture on a mare for equine therio elective because they ran out of horses in my group. It was pretty fun! I feel so much more comfortable rectally palpating now. We have our final for that class next Monday. Tomorrow is our first lab exam for bacteriology that I can't make myself study for. Better get my **** together and just do it.
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