Sunday, September 28, 2014


I don't think I'm ever going to catch up. Monday night we had the first meeting for our joint injection/distal limb surgery in horses lab. It was ok, but I definitely should have been studying for our parasit exams we had Tuesday. Those went ok, but should have done better. Tuesday night we had the second meeting for the lab. Wednesday we had a Pharmacology quiz that I way over studied for. We got our pharm grades from the first test back and I did REALLY well, so that was exciting. Thursday we had a web based lab exam for clinical anatomy and that went pretty good.
I had to work Friday night and it was quite busy. Got home Saturday morning, slept about 2 hours, got up and headed to the Tulsa State Fair with a classmate. We got there and parking was a cluster and kept getting griped at by police about how disorganized the birthing center was, so that was fun getting griped at for something that you have no control over. Finally found where we were supposed to be and there were a ton of pre vetters there that were trying to take over and pretty much just stood there holding babies the whole time while my friend and I cleaned stalls and talked to the public. Definitely not a great experience and I won't be doing that  again. Hopefully the public got something out of it. My parents, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came by and I got to show them baby goats, sheep, and pigs. Also ran into my husband's brother's wife and kids which was a nice surprise. We did get some good fair food, though: corn dog, strawberry lemonade, and dip n dots, mmm. I got home around 8 pm and watched tv for a bit, but crashed by like 930 and slept really hard untik morning. I need to start studying for everything next week which includes a clinical pathology exam Tuesday, bacteriology quiz wed, and Pharmacology quiz Friday. *yawn*
Cute mamma and baby!

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