I'm done with third year. This semester grade wise was a little worse than last, but wasn't awful. I can't believe I'll be in clinics on Monday. I start in food animal and my best friend is on equine surgery so we'll be on the same side of the hospital which is better than nothing. I opted out of ranch therio for my second rotation because we were told it was just turning into mare foaling watch and I decided my time would be better spent on off campus rotation. So, I'll be going to Sapulpa Equine and my best friend from middle school on up works there so I'm pretty excited about that. I'm super nervous about feeling stupid because I'll be doing a preceptor before I have any equine rotations, but hopefully they go easy on me. My friends on equine surgery and I are going to go over cases every night so we learn a little more than our own species first rotation.
Horse update... So Sly, the one that got diagnosed with eye cancer that we decided to treat conservatively with topical chemo had his recheck a couple weeks ago and they couldn't find any evidence of cancer! We stopped the chemo, but he's staying in the mask forever and we're rechecking on my third rotation in June. My mare that choked last year has pretty bad arthritis and it seems to be affecting her more. Hopefully she stays mobile until I graduate so I can decide whether to inject joints or put her down. The school is under a lot of financial constraint so they decided to take away all student discounts which is kind of ridiculous because it's not like they were losing money on us and now they'll be losing all student business.
My final anesthesias and surgery went really well. I fell really comfortable with surgeries now and hopefully I can continue with the success on my 4th rotation with community practice and in December when I have shelter rotation.
After finals we had 2 full days of financial/business management. The first day wasn't too bad, but by the second day we were all a little antsy and ready for our transition ceremony. We had that last Friday and my parents and pretend grandparents came as well as my husband. It was pretty nice and we all went out to texas roadhouse for dinner afterwards. The next day was my niece's first birthday party. I don't really understand first birthday parties but whatever. Tuesday we were supposed to have bad weather so my friend and her dogs came over and stayed the night since we have a cellar and nothing ended up happening. Wednesday we ran up to the mall in OKC then came back and did yoga with one of the equine residents and ended up getting froyo afterwards with her and talking for over an hour which was pretty fun. Only 3 more days of vacation left and I didn't get half the things done I was hoping to. I rode a couple times this week, but it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow so that pretty much ruins the rest of vacation.
Well, wish me luck and I'll try to update with anything interesting.
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