Sunday, September 28, 2014


I don't think I'm ever going to catch up. Monday night we had the first meeting for our joint injection/distal limb surgery in horses lab. It was ok, but I definitely should have been studying for our parasit exams we had Tuesday. Those went ok, but should have done better. Tuesday night we had the second meeting for the lab. Wednesday we had a Pharmacology quiz that I way over studied for. We got our pharm grades from the first test back and I did REALLY well, so that was exciting. Thursday we had a web based lab exam for clinical anatomy and that went pretty good.
I had to work Friday night and it was quite busy. Got home Saturday morning, slept about 2 hours, got up and headed to the Tulsa State Fair with a classmate. We got there and parking was a cluster and kept getting griped at by police about how disorganized the birthing center was, so that was fun getting griped at for something that you have no control over. Finally found where we were supposed to be and there were a ton of pre vetters there that were trying to take over and pretty much just stood there holding babies the whole time while my friend and I cleaned stalls and talked to the public. Definitely not a great experience and I won't be doing that  again. Hopefully the public got something out of it. My parents, brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came by and I got to show them baby goats, sheep, and pigs. Also ran into my husband's brother's wife and kids which was a nice surprise. We did get some good fair food, though: corn dog, strawberry lemonade, and dip n dots, mmm. I got home around 8 pm and watched tv for a bit, but crashed by like 930 and slept really hard untik morning. I need to start studying for everything next week which includes a clinical pathology exam Tuesday, bacteriology quiz wed, and Pharmacology quiz Friday. *yawn*
Cute mamma and baby!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Tests galore

Finally done with my first major test week of the semester. Infectious went ok, clinical anatomy went wayyyyy better than any anatomy test I've ever taken, and we're still waiting on pharm grades. This semester it seems like I am putting way less time into studying per class and still pulling out with decent grades. Hopefully the rest of vet school is like this, but doubtful.  I was going to bring my horses in the get Coggins done and teeth floated on Friday, but they didn't have any openings. I'm kind of glad because I just came home Friday at noon, watched all my dvr'd shows and took a nap.
Saturday morning we had training for work and it was pretty much a waste of time. I did get to take an arterial blood sample on a horse for the first time though. Then a friend and I went to Fuzzys tacos for lunch and it was a let down on the food. We studied for our parasitology 2 exam which is Tuesday, then went to the gym for a short work out. I had to run by walmart, then came home and watched football with my husband. Not a lot going on today, besides trying to memorize parasite treatments.
This week we have training meetings on Monday and Tuesday for a joint injection and surgery wetlab on the distal limbs of horses. I'm pretty excited that I got selected to participate in that lab. I have to work overnight next Friday. Saturday afternoon is when I'm helping with state fair birthing center. Hopefully that is fun. Well, better go get my emodepsides and benzimadoles straight.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another week into second year. Nothing too exciting. Spent most of the week going to meetings again. Didn't study as much as I should have, but for some reason I'm not that worried. Maybe that is the difference that makes 2nd year better than first... if I made it through that I can do this. I have bacteriology exam Monday, clinical anatomy Tuesday, and pharmacology Friday. Needless to say, I won't be going to many meetings.
Last week the gym got a little neglected because of meetings. The only thing we did was walk the 3 miles around boomer lake Thursday afternoon after I got out of my communications lab (got videotaped during client interaction and critiqued by a clinician and group of classmates, not so fun). Friday after clinical anatomy lab a friend and I had to get in another hour for intro to clinics and got to help bandage a leg and give some shots. Then, they had a necropsy of a neonate with spina bifida and scoliosis which was cool to see. This weekend has consisted mainly of studying. I really want to go out and ride a horse or two, and I know I'm wasting enough time flipping through Facebook that I could, but for some reason I feel more guilty riding than I do interneting. Better get back to reviewing the plague and anthrax... bleh...

Sunday, September 7, 2014

This past week was pretty eventful.  Monday we had off for labor day. In parasitology 2 lab we started working through case based material which was kind of fun. We also had to find giardia cysts on a microscope and I found one right off the bat, which was exciting because I really struggled with it last semester. We also got cute temporary tattoos that say 'I found giardia' and has a cute trophozoite on it. I'm saving it for a special occasion. Also got to start ultrasounding our mares. The first horse I brought in was a 17 hand thoroughbred, which was stupid because I couldn't reach anything. I ended up seeing the whole uterus and the right ovary, but I couldn't reach the left with the probe.
We were supposed to have a cookout for bovine practitioners on Tuesday but it was raining that more so they canceled it. Ironically it stopped raining and was a beautiful afternoon. It was good though because I needed to study for pharmacology and bacteriology quizzes the next day. I did ok on the quizzes, but definitely didn't study enough. I did much better on the short answer than I did on the matching for bacteriology. Multiple choice stuff like that always throws me off.
Wednesday we had orientation for the state fair birthing center. I'm going to help out at tulsa in a few weeks. The orientation was really long, kept repeating the same things over and over, and seemed more geared to undergrads. Pretty much a waste of time. We had a VBMA meeting afterwards about communications. It was interesting, but nothing we haven't been harped on in our classes so far.
Thursday I had my anesthesia lab for intro to clinics and we had to place catheters in rubber dog legs. It was completely unrealistic, but I think the lab was more about learning techniques than anything. Then we went over to surgery and they weren't supposed to have any surguiries going on, but they happened to have an emergency colic surgery and I just so happened to be the only equine person who brought scrubs so I got to watch the end of the surgery and help the anesthesia student and technician recover the horse. It was kind of fun. Afterwards, I went back over to the school for a SCAVMA meeting. That was another waste of time because it was totally geared for first years, but we got free fuzzys tacos for dinner.
Friday I only had morning classes so I just came home and relaxed and watched tv. Saturday it rained all day so I didn't get to ride. Then, I had to work at ICU Saturday night. It was relatively busy and I was exhausted when I came home this morning.  I have a signs and symptoms quiz tomorrow.  Not sure what it's going to be like so I should probably get to studying.