Wednesday, March 26, 2014

6 weeks until I'm a second year (hopefully)! This semester is flying by, but still really awful. We had spring break last week. I worked a couple days and got to work with a cute little foal. Something crazy happened to my horses, too. They got attacked by something (nothing serious, just a few superficial scratches) and I think it might be a mountain lion. I've been keeping them close to the house lately and haven't had any other incidents.  Definitely not going out alone anymore though.
We had a phys 3 test after spring break. I studied what I felt like was enough, until the day before the test and a friend told me it was double the material than I had thought. Needless to say I pretty much pulled an all nighter and still probably didn't pass. We had a parasitology quiz today that didn't go well either. Luckily all we have is a pathology test Friday for the rest of the week, but parasitology test and lab exam Monday and Tuesday respectively, and Anatomy Thursday.
Saturday they are having a dog house painting competition that I'm participating in and I'm pretty excited for the stress reliever, but I should probably be studying instead. The next Saturday is open house for the vet school and I am helping out with that, too. I'm also hoping to run for an officer position for theriogenealogy club next semester.
Well, better get back to studying :/


  1. What position are you thinking about running for in SFT?

  2. Either secretary or VP depending on what VP entails.
