Writing a post in 4th year is hard. You can't really talk about your patients and you have no life really. And, well, the life I do have is just kinda sad. A few weeks after my husband lost his brother, his dad passed away. So we've been adjusting to that. His mom is all alone and out in the middle of no where which makes it hard since we live an hour away. My husband wants to move out there but it he doesn't have a job close enough yet and we don't really have the money to buy a house out there. I've tried setting up my preceptors for this spring closer to her house but I've only got one nailed down. Hopefully one of them turns into a job offer.
Since last writing I've finished small animal surgery, equine medicine, anesthesia, vacation ( + navle!), and shelter medicine. We got our scores back for navle last week and I passed which is a huge weight off my chest! Currently, I'm sitting in small animal isolation with a Parvo puppy. Starting Tuesday I have small animal ICU which basically entails doing treatments all day long, followed by preceptor in Texas for 2 weeks, 4 weeks of preceptor I'm not sure where yet, equine medicine again as an elective, and then 4 more weeks of preceptor, a week break then graduation! I have no idea how it all happened so quickly but I'm almost done with vet school. It's terrifying and exciting at the same time. I doubt I'll keep up with this blog once that happens but we'll see.