Just finished my first final of third year this morning, but I guess I should bring you up to speed from the rest of the week. Monday was pretty boring, just classes all morning then working out. Tuesday, we had a little quiz in ophtho in the morning, then in the afternoon went out to the vet med ranch to palpate some cows. We started out by giving caudal epidurals, which I feel much better about even though these ladies were full of scar tissue. I also retracted the uterus and felt both ovaries, including the corpus luteum on one side on a couple of them. Ran after that and decided I needed some new running shoes. So Wednesday after class I went by academy and got some shoes and a really nice swim suit for lap swimming since they were on clearance and pretty cheap, then went and worked out.
Thursday afternoon went back out to the ranch for advanced equine lab. We got to do transabdominal ultrasound and got to sex 2 fetuses, transfer some embryos in a petri dish, and prepare semen for transport. It was pretty fun. Decided to do a quick run in the new shoes and I can't decide if I like them or not. After that we had to go to Jr surgery and do our QATs on our spay and neuter for our anesthesia practicum we had today. It took a lot longer then I was hoping and both our dogs needed muzzles. Then I came home and tried to stay awake to study for our Jr surgery lecture final we had this morning. It went OK, but I don't think it was as good as muskuloskeletal turned out last week.
After our therio lecture I decided to skip a couple classes to try and take a quick cat nap and review for my anesthetist rolls. I was super nervous, but everything turned out OK and both our dogs made it thru surgery without any major complications and our group got done over an hour before anyone else. I really lucked out in my placement for my group. After that, a friend and I decided pedicures were required to reward ourselves for the last 3 weeks of several hours in surgery.
I think that's about it. Next week should be pretty boring being a short week, no surgery, and no tests! I won't know what to do with myself not dragging butt into the house barely keeping my eyes open every night.